Periodontal Treatment
Periodontal Treatment
What are Gingivitis & Periodontitis?
- Gingivitis: The earliest stage of gum disease, causing an inflammation and some bleeding of the gums caused by plaque buildup at the gumline. Gingivitis causes gum inflammation but no bone loss.
- Periodontitis: The second stage where the supporting bone and fibers that hold your teeth in place are damaged causing bone damage and loss.
The Progression of Gum Disease
Periodontitis is a common complaint affecting approximately 50% of U.S. adults over the age of 30 years. It occurs in people who have preexisting gingivitis which is itself caused by the accumulation of bacteria at the gum line (dental plaque). Your gums may begin to form a pocket below the gumline, which traps food and plaque. If left untreated, plaque calcifies to form dental calculus. Dental calculus must be removed completely by the dentist in order to treat gingivitis and periodontitis. Proper dental treatment and improved home care can usually help prevent further damage. If left untreated bone supporting your teeth can be destroyed, causing your teeth to shift or loosen.
Treatment of Gum Disease
Dr. Naz uses the following services and technologies to treat gum disease:
- COMPUTERIZED CHARTING – Our computer software allows us to measure the depth of the periodontally infected areas as well as the healthy areas. We can compare your readings from one appointment to the next and provide you with a graphic printout so you can see how you are doing and where you can help yourself with better home care. This also allows us to tailor our treatment, specifically for you.
- PIEZO ULTRASONIC INSTRUMENTATION – We use the most modern ultrasonic equipment available to remove plaque buildup quickly and comfortably.
- SOFT TISSUE THERAPY – Our periodontal therapists have been thoroughly trained to remove the bacterial ridden plaque and tartar deposits that colonize the roots during periodontal disease. This is the key to eliminating periodontal disease.
Prevention of Gum Disease
Daily oral hygiene is vital in preventing the onset and growth of gum disease. Brushing and flossing are vital in keeping teeth free from plaque-generating bacteria.